Thursday, February 11, 2010

40DP Closing Layout

7p Welcome

-God has been amazing during these 40 Days

-He has totally shown His Presence in Ann Arbor and our lives

-Tonight we're going to party it out and love on God by focusing on

some of his names and attributes found throughout the Bible,

and reflecting on how He's shown Himself true to those things.

· First, we are looking at "Jehovah-Shammah", which means "The Lord is There". We believe what God says: "Where two or more are gathered together in my Name, there am I with them." There are definitely more than two here tonight, so we believe that God's Spirit is HERE, and desiring to commune with us and receive our praise.

· Talk, talk, talk…

"Where I Belong" (New song, so run it 1.5 times)

· Stay standing

-"Jehovah-Rophe", "The Lord Who Heals"

-God has indeed been healing hearts, healing relationships, and healing bodies

-The prayer room is full of written testimonies of how God has moved

and made beautiful changes. After this song, we are going to have a time of celebrating together and telling what God has done for us. As we sing, be thinking of how God has brought healing and change in response to your prayers, and consider sharing your testimony with the group.

"Now That You're Near"

· Testimony time. Have somebody ready in case people are shy.

-If it dies down after 2 or 3, go into Revelation Song. Otherwise, bust in after about 15 minutes.

"Revelation Song"

-(WORTHY is the Lamb).

"Savior King"

-Jehovah-Jireh, "The Lord Will Provide"

-Group prayer together to praise God for how He has provided

throughout the 40 Days, and the perfection of His timing.

Ultimately, this will be a time of sharing testimonies in the small group too. If they want to also lift up prayers that God has not yet answered in the faith that He will provide, that's good too.

· Don't talk to conclude the prayer time, but bust right into

"You Are Good"

-The Holy Spirit

· The Holy Spirit is our helper, convicter, and our teacher.

· "Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh" (one idea).

· The Holy Spirit brings liberation and strengthens us.

· Ugh, there is so much Holy Spirit to talk about. :)

"More Love, More Power"


-One very important name for God that we have not yet talked about is JESUS. Jesus means "The Lord Saves"

-Gospel presentation (we begin playing the guitar intro to "JPiA". There is an invitation to come to the front (go to the back?) DURING THE SONG to respond to Jesus's invitation. That means we need some people to be READY to pray with those who come.

"Jesus Paid It All"

"Sing to the King"

"King of Majesty"

-If you're interested in being more involved with PrayUM…details.

-Goodbye! See you next year!

1 comment:

  1. It occurs to me that I forgot to put Days of Elijah in the lineup even though it's on the playlist. Whoops. Maybe we can play them out to that.
